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·Bashang Prairie  ·Huanghe River  ·Silk Road Xinjiang  ·Chongqing: the only municipality directly under the central government in western China  ·Zunyi Chishui, Guizhou  ·Xinjiang Uygur: sing and dance the nation  ·Natural cave: Wuhan Jiangxia Baegundong, HubeiHubei Province  ·Temple of Heaven in Beijing  ·underground river of Lianzhou  ·Longji terrace, Guangxi Province  ·The 12th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return: see the charm of Hong Kong through the lens  ·Sydney Scenery  ·Beautiful autumn scenery of the South of the Yangtze River  ·Panjin Wetland, the heaven for Aves  ·Geneva city scenery, Switzerland  
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